Call Us: +2 392 3929 210

Location: San Francisco, California, USA

Build Your Offshore Center With Our Specialists

Having your Offshore RCM Delivery Center is more than just a cost center; it is also a hub of RCM knowledge.

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We're Always Here To Help!

Collaborate with the right team to bring your RCM process in-house, optimizing your revenue cycle, ensuring compliance, and maximizing efficiency and profitability.

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Get the right RCM Expert To Help!

Build your RCM Cost Center by patnering with the right RCM expert who has the knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to build your offshore RCM Deliver Center.

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Run 24/7!

Having an offshore RCM office allows your RCM operations to run 24/7, accelerating processes and enhancing revenue.

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Build a Knowledge Bank!

Through your RCM Knowledge bank in the offshore helps to streamline and speed up the revenue process.

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Cost Efficiency

Significant reduction in operational and resource costs due to lower wages and operating expenses in the offshore India compared to the US. Access to a highly skilled workforce at a fraction of the cost, enabling companies to allocate resources more effectively.

Skilled Workforce

Availability of a large pool of trained professionals with expertise in revenue cycle management, medical billing, coding, and related fields. Continuous talent development through extensive training programs and certifications.

We are ushering in a new era of in-house RCM services by establishing your own offshore setup.

Managing an in-house Offshore RCM team is no longer a challenging task. In fact, having an in-house offshore RCM team can significantly reduce costs and provide better process control. Outsourcing to vendors has proven to be less effective over the years, with offshore vendor services often impacting outcomes negatively. Additionally, deploying an onshore team to address these issues incurs extra costs and consumes more time.

Most of the offshore workforce prefers working with an in-house RCM team due to the benefits of direct coordination with onshore teams, opportunities for knowledge growth, and the stability associated with in-house RCM teams.

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24/7 Operations

Ability to offer round-the-clock services due to time zone differences, ensuring continuous productivity and faster turnaround times. Enhanced customer service with extended hours of operation, improving client satisfaction.

Focus on Core Activities

Allowing the US-based team to concentrate on strategic and high-value tasks while the offshore center handles routine and back-office functions. Improved overall business efficiency and effectiveness by leveraging the offshore center for specialized tasks.

About RCMSummit

Switching from outsourcing to in-house operations offers more advantages.

Shifting from outsourcing to in-house operations can lead to greater control, cost savings, improved communication, and a more cohesive team, all of which contribute to a more efficient and strategically aligned organization.

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Our Exclusive Services We Offer For You

Offshore Financial Planning

We assist in offshore financial planning by providing expert guidance on navigating India's regulatory landscape and optimizing tax strategies.

Regulatory Compliance and Legal Advisory

Guidance on adhering to Indian laws and regulations, including company registration, labor laws, and tax compliance.

Tax Planning and Optimization

Strategies to minimize tax liabilities and take advantage of incentives and benefits available to foreign investors.

Location Scouting and Office Setup

Assistance in selecting the ideal location, securing office space, and setting up infrastructure.

HR and Recruitment Services

Support in hiring skilled professionals, managing payroll, and complying with employment laws.

Financial and Accounting Services

Management of financial operations, including bookkeeping, accounting, and financial reporting.

IT and Infrastructure Support

Setting up the necessary IT systems, ensuring data security, and providing ongoing technical support.

Operational Strategy and Business Planning

Setting up the necessary IT systems, ensuring data security, and providing ongoing technical support.

Cultural Training and Integration

Programs to help US teams understand and integrate into the Indian business culture, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

Ongoing Advisory and Support Services

Our Strong RCM Background with technology capabilities evokes a Continuous support to address any all the RCM challenges and optimize operations as the business grows.

Key Benefits of the setting up your offshore office

Technical Statistics


Reduction in Salary Cost


Savings in the real estate


Increase in Revenue


Increase in Valuation
Meet Our Brilliant Minds

Our Leadership Team

AJ Johnson

CEO & Founder

AJ Johnson is a seasoned leader with over 20 years of experience in Revenue Cycle Management (RCM). Throughout his career, he has managed complex client portfolios, demonstrating exceptional skill in both onshore and offshore environments. His expertise spans a broad range of RCM functions, from optimizing revenue processes to implementing strategic improvements. AJ is renowned for his comprehensive knowledge of the offshore RCM landscape, particularly the significant advantages it offers U.S. companies. His strategic vision has been pivotal in guiding RCM organizations through the intricacies of setting up and managing operations in India. His deep understanding of the global RCM market enables him to leverage offshore opportunities effectively, enhancing operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness for his clients. In addition to his technical acumen, AJ is recognized for his leadership and ability to drive innovation within the RCM space. His commitment to excellence and strategic foresight continues to contribute to the success of our organization.

Venkatesh Nataraj

COO & Co-Founder

Venkat is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in the US healthcare Revenue Cycle Management industry. His expertise lies in analytics and insights, enabling organizations to derive meaningful data-driven strategies to optimize revenue cycle performance. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of industry trends, Venkat plays a crucial role in providing actionable insights that drive operational efficiency and financial success for our clients.

Sunderesa Perumal M

CTO & Co-Founder

With over 25 years of experience in the software industry, Sunder brings a wealth of expertise to our team. He has a strong background in product development, cloud computing, business intelligence, and CRM systems, with a focus on the pharma and healthcare sectors. Sunder's deep understanding of technology and his innovative mindset drive the development of cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients.

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